Replacing Web Storage

We will now replace our Web Storage implementation with new versions of load and save in our Order.js file. Also, we are creating a new loadDB method, as in the following code:

openDB: async () => {
    return await idb.openDB("cm-storage", 1, {
        async upgrade(db) {
            await db.createObjectStore("order");
load: async () => {
    const db = await Order.openDB();
    const cartString = await db.get("order", "cart");
    if (cartString) {
        try {
            Order.cart = JSON.parse(cartString);  
        } catch (e) {
            console.error("Data in Storage is corrupted");
save: async () => {
    const db = await Order.openDB();
    await db.put("order", JSON.stringify(Order.cart), "cart")