Hello! And welcome to the Introduction to Flutter Development by Maximiliano Firtman (firt.dev).

This is a course to start with Dart and Flutter development to create apps for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS and PWAs published with Frontend Masters.


  • You need a computer to install Flutter from macOS, Windows, Linux or Chrome OS. Follow the instructions to download the package and add it to your path folder. You should be able to run flutter doctor from a terminal.

  • You can choose to use Visual Studio Code or Android studio to develop your app. In any case you need to install the Flutter plugin on top of the IDE.

  • Install Android Studio available for Linux, macOS and Windows in case you want to emulate and compile for Android.

  • If you have a macOS computer and you want to emulate and compile for iOS and iPadOS, install Xcode from the App Store

  • You also need to download the workshop's assets.

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